Why Israel?

 Israel is the land of the Bible. Israel is the birthplace of civilization and Christianity. In Jewish tradition it is on the Temple Mount or Mount Moriah in Jerusalem where God literally scooped the dust of the earth and breathed breathe into the first man Adam. That same mount is where Abraham tied Isaac down and then God provided a sacrifice.

 To visit Israel is to visit the land where it all began. To walk in the steps of great patriarchs, prophets and Jesus Christ himself! In Northern Israel you experience where the ministry of Jesus took place. In Southern Israel or Jerusalem you get to experience where the Gospel of Jesus Christ took place. 

 Imagine being on a boat on the actual Sea of Galilee in the Bible and having a church service! Imagine praying at the Western Wall where millions of Jews have prayed….it is touching. Or imagine after having visited the believed actual site of Golgotha then viewing the resurrection tomb and within a few feet of both taking the Lord’s Supper.

 Why Israel? Because Israel is where Biblical events actually took place. Being in Israel is a return to the roots of our faith. Going on pilgrimage in Israel is a lifechanging experience that will bless you and all those around you. More than a vacation, it is a well of experience you will draw from for many years after your trip. Never again will you read your Bible the same!


Come to Israel….where everything is better!

Believers Travel

Experience of a Lifetime!