Beyond Israel

Believers Travel brings believers wherever Bible events took place. This includes not only Israel but other places like Greece, Turkey or Italy. Our experts are actual christian ministers who will help customize a trip for your group. Below is some basic information about some of the other biblically significant places Believers Travel can help you and your group experience. 


 Modern day Turkey did not exist in Biblical times. Then it was known as Greece or Asia minor. The 7 Churches of the Book of Revelations are in modern day Turkey. It is a wonderful and fascinating experience to explore the 7 Churches in Turkey as well as experience a lot of history concerning Christianity.


 The Acropolis, Mars Hill, Corinth and the list goes on. Visiting Greece is a wonderful experience. Groups get to walk in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul and experience wonderful Greek culture and food.


 Groups have a wonderful time in Italy. The culture, food and historical significance to Christianity cannot be overstated. Along with Greece, Italy is a top place in the world to just relax and soak it in.

Believers Travel

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